The Wonders of Siddha Vasi Therapy
When coming for Siddha Vasi Therapy sessions, some people ask many questions about the nature of the treatments. It is a big puzzle to them – how something, which they cannot understand, brings improvement. They initially only came for treatments, since they had heard good things about the treatments, and were willing to give it a chance. Once they see the improvement with their own eyes, it fuels their desire to understand more. Hopefully this blog can help to make some pieces of the puzzle fall into place.
If one thinks about it, there are so many things in our surroundings which we cannot see with the naked eye, but we are still sure that they exist. Take, as an example, electricity. Our coffee machine, washing machine, etc. only work when they are plugged into an electrical outlet, so although we cannot see the electricity, we are convinced that it is there because of its effect on our electronic devices.
Each electronic device has a distinct structure and function, but the underlying force, which enables all the various devices to function, is the electrical energy.
Like the electronic devices, the human body also functions due to an underlying force. The underlying force in our bodies is called Vasi or Life-Energy.
The electricity in our homes is conducted through wires which are hidden in walls and ceilings. We access the hidden electricity at the electrical outlets, where we plug in our electronic devices.
Like the electricity (hidden in the walls of our homes), the life-energy in a human body also circulates in pathways, not perceptible by the eye. There are 72,000 channels (nadis) in our subtle body, through which energy circulates.
Certain energy points (varmams) are located along these energy channels throughout the body. There are hundreds of varmam points in the human body, out of which a 108 are considered as major varmams.
Although it is not a perfect comparison, these energy points in our bodies have similarities to the electrical outlets in our homes. In the same way that electrical outlets are connection points between the electricity (flowing inside the walls) and the electronic devices, the varmams act as junctions between the subtle body (where the energy is flowing in the nadis) and the physical body. In other words, both the electrical outlets and the varmams are connection points between the subtle/hidden energy and the tangible. We can easily access the electricity at the electrical outlets. Similarly, the life-energy in the human body is therapeutically more accessible at the varmams.
The energy system of the human body, and how to treat diseases with Siddha Vasi Therapy, is a vast and detailed science. For example, each varmam point has at least two and up to ten different functions. One of the basic functions of the varmams is to send energy to body region(s). For example, Adappa Kaalam (a major varmam point on the chest) sends energy to heart and lungs.
There are also certain links/circuits between varmams at various regions of the body, which are important for the function of the body.
In Varmam Therapy (one of the treatment approaches in Siddha Vasi Therapy), each varmam requires specific mode(s) of application, and according to each disease, there are specific sequences of varmam application. The manoeuvre of varmam application should be appropriate and not randomly applied in order to get the desired results and avoid harm. One of the reasons is that the treatment needs to be in accordance with the movement direction of the vital force/life-energy.
As mentioned earlier, the human body functions due to an underlying force – Vasi. If our home’s electrical system stops working, our electronic devices are not going to work for even a second (excluding the rechargeable devices of course). Likewise, if this vital life-energy is not there in our bodies, we will be dead.
If, on a smaller scale, there is a problem somewhere in the body’s energy system, the consequences range from small to big ones. For example, if there is an obstruction of the energy which a varmam sends to a body region, that body region will be affected. If a Padu Varmam becomes injured, death may occur if treatment is not given in time.
This analogy has its limitations since the life-energy in a human body is much more than electricity in a home. Nevertheless, the comparison clearly illustrates how essential a proper flow of vital energy is for our livingness and health as human beings. That is also why it brings substantial and lasting improvements to treat diseases by addressing the flow of Vasi.
Down-to-earth Wonders
We have all experienced some of the marvels of Nature. The beautiful sunset, birds flying in the sky, the huge variety of fascinating living species on Earth, and so forth. Although a wonder to us, these experiences are, at the same time, very down-to-earth and real. Bird flight is a classic example of this. It is so impressive that birds can fly, not to mention the two amazing phenomena – murmurations and bird migration. In a way unbelievable, like miracles. At the same time, these things are real to us. Some scientists and experts are also able to explain some of the mysteries of and related to bird flight in a down-to-earth and scientific way. It seems that some mysteries in this area still baffle modern science.
To me, Siddha Vasi Therapy, and the Siddha lineage as a whole, is like the wonders of Nature – down-to-earth, realistic, and at the same time, like a miracle.
What is meant by “like a miracle” is not that one can expect that a chronic disease, which is caused by 50 years of unhealthy lifestyle, is cured just by one look from a Siddha varmam practitioner. Just like the bird flight phenomena, it is like a miracle because it is impressive and causing awe, not some hocus-pocus miracle.
The ancient Siddha path and the Siddha Teachers are very down-to-earth, existential and against euphoric-miracle sense. This is also what they expect from their learners. For example, our teacher Pal Pandian always tells his varmam students never to promise anyone that they will provide a magical cure. The students are taught both modern and ancient diagnosis. They are urged to make clear diagnosis and to work with their patients a few sessions, after which they can offer their perspective on prognosis.
The ancient 18 Siddhas
Holistic Siddha approach versus managing symptoms
It is also important to consider the difference between “providing fast symptom relief” versus “holistic approach – treating the whole person and the cause of disease”.
Nowadays, many people are used to medicines which basically just mask the problems. Some painkillers are a good example of this. The medicines may provide fast relief from symptoms (mute the pain for a short period of time), but they do not solve the underlying problems, not to mention the potential side effects.
If there is some stinky garbage in our home, we can either attend to the garbage or use air fresheners all over the house to mask the smell of garbage. Most people would probably go for the first solution. For some reason, when it comes to our body and health, this same kind of common sense is often lacking.
This is not to say that one should never take a painkiller in an emergency situation, but how do we deal with our health problems in the long run?
Although the holistic Siddha approach is not a quick-cover-up-symptoms-thing, it does not necessarily take ages either. Some problems may get resolved relatively fast. How much time it takes depends on various factors, such as the severity of the problem and treatment adherence. One or a few treatments may be sufficient for acute problems, while chronic ailments usually require more treatments.
In her blog “Instant Relief: The Curse of the Postmodern World”, Dr. Srila Sridhar has described, in great detail, the subject of holistic approach versus only managing the symptoms.